Text to Visual Solstice Jan.2014




The Shaman ----------Hearing their song He is lead by them to the song within himself Through which he is sustained In a life inflated By the breath and winds of the unseen

Nature's Song

Layered wet felting - 33x76cm

Voices I

Diptych: injekt ink monoprint on Fabriano - 36x44cm

Voices II

Diptych: Injekt ink monoprint on Fabriano paper - 36x44cm

Currents I

Diptych: Injekt ink monoprint on Hahnemuhle paper - 36x44cm

rrents II

Diptych: Injekt ink monoprint on Hahnemulhe paper - 36x44cm


Injekt ink monoprint on Hahnemuhle paper - 44x36cm